SpringHill Suites
Accommodations include complimentary Internet, flat screen TV, and pantry area. Guests will also have access to complimentary hot breakfast, complimentary parking, indoor pool and fitness center.
Hotels are concentrated along the heavily travelled Interstate 90 corridor, primarily at the Peach and State St. exits. There are also a number of chain and locally based hotels and motels along Interstate 79 north of I-90 and to the west on 12th and 26th streets towards Presque Isle. Finally, the downtown offers a third option, offering anything from barebones motel to full-service hotel to bed and breakfast.
Microtel Inn & Suites El Paso Erie
(http://microtelinn.com/re...), 8100 peach street, tel: 814 864-1010.
Sara's Campground
50 peninsula dr., 814833-4560, (http://www.sarascampgroun...). great campsite located on the water and adjacent to presque isle state park. pitch your tent right on the beach or in a designated site in the woods. there's also rv parking.